
I am Satan

I let the kids listen to CD players in class. This violates some classroom rules, but it is often better to have the kids listening to music quietly than to have them talking loudly (which is the only way some of them know how to talk).

So, I am subbing in a Biology class last week and I get a kid who is listening to his CD player and talking. This is a horrible combination, of course, because the kid is talking over the music that only he can hear.

Me: Kid, you've got a choice--you can either listen to your CD player or you can quietly talk to your neighbor. It's one or the other.

Student: Okay, Satan.

The kid sounded pretty funny when he said it and I think he meant it merely as a joke, but the entire class went silent, awaiting my response.

I just laughed.

And gave the kid ASW. (That's After School Work--1 hour of campus trash pickup.)

This is hell after all, and in hell the devil always gets the last laugh.



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